Tame My Tornado offers effective Coaching, Counseling, and life changing Retreats to help you to get your life back on track. We offer a blend of private online and face-to-face sessions to meet your busy schedule.

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Our professionals can assist you with the following:

There are three main areas that must be maintained and a balanced in everyone. If we ignore or over emphasize any one area, the balance goes away, and you start to suffer. If you are ready, we can help get back into balance fast!

If you are going through a grieving process or find it difficult to move on from a traumatic experience, we can help. We are dedicated to guiding you through your grief and healing, so you can become a stronger and transformed person.

We will help you deal with the troubles that come after a traumatic experience. These may include anxiety, hopelessness, fear, depression, anger, and other emotions and mental health issues.

The most common mental health issues among individuals are depression and anxiety. These two are mostly ruled by fear and can be very uncomfortable.

With proper counseling and therapy, you can easily overcome these issues and find motivation and a new perspective in life.

Individual therapy can treat specific mental health conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, or OCD. However, many therapy clients do not have a diagnosable mental health condition; they are simply seeking help for relationship problems, stress management, career ambitions, and/or a host of other issues. Psychotherapy can be useful for many interpersonal and intrapersonal problems.

Beneficial for individuals and couples who want to strengthen their emotional connection in all stages of their relationship, but finding time to do it can be difficult. That’s why we offer online counseling sessions to make your healing an easier and more convenient process.


Our Retreats are made specifically for male victims of infidelity.

The purpose of this retreat is to provide you with a safe space to think about the decisions you have to make for your family while considering the situation of your marriage/relationship. We will also hold structured discussions to fully help you with your journey of healing.

Once the retreat is over, you will gain a new perspective on life and a support group that will help you overcome challenges you might face as you heal from this trauma.

  • Small group (4–6 individuals)
  • Hear from others who have been there
  • Private and safe
  • Learn tools that will start your healing

It may be difficult to find a safe space after falling victim to infidelity. You might find it uncomfortable to open up to members of your family, friends, and you church about what you are going through.

It is important to let these feelings of overwhelming anger and sorrow out for your mental health. A retreat can be just the right place to release these emotions, gather thoughts, and get away for a short period of time.